
  1. Livingston, G., Huntley, J., Sommerlad, A., Ames, D., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Brayne, C., Burns, A., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Cooper, C., Costafreda, S. G., Dias, A., Fox, N., Gitlin, L. N., Howard, R., Kales, H. C., Kivimäki, M., Larson, E. B., Ogunniyi, A., Orgeta, V., … Mukadam, N. (2020). Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. Lancet (London, England), 396(10248), 413–446.
  2. Galvin JE, et al. Bridging the Assessment Gap: Newly Developed Neuropsychiatric Cognitive Assessments on the Cognivue Platform Show Strong Correlation with Traditional Gold Standard Tests. Poster presented at: the Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD) Annual Conference; October 24-27, 2023; Boston, MA.
  3. Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimer’s Association. Accessed 5/30/2023
  4. Hearing Loss Facts and Statistics. Hearing Loss Association of America. Accessed 5/30/2023
  5. Bai, W., Chen, P., Cai, H., Zhang, Q., Su, Z., Cheung, T., Jackson, T., Sha, S., & Xiang, Y. T. (2022). Worldwide prevalence of mild cognitive impairment among community dwellers aged 50 years and older: a meta-analysis and systematic review of epidemiology studies. Age and ageing, 51(8), afac173.
  6. ADI – Dementia statistics. (n.d.). ADI – Dementia Statistics.
  7. Cahn-Hidalgo, D., Estes, P. W., & Benabou, R. (2020). Validity, reliability, and psychometric properties of a computerized, cognitive assessment test (Cognivue®). World journal of psychiatry, 10(1), 1–11. DOI:
  8. Andrefsky J., Cahn-Hidalgo D., Benabou R, et al. (2020) Superior Test-Retest Reliability of Cognitive Assessment with Cognivue® vs Slums During an 18-Month Longitudinal Study, Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:1. 114. DOI:
  9. Ma F., Hashmi A., Liu C.Y., et al. (2022) Cognitive Stressors and COVID-19 Infection: A Longitudinal Survey. Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 3:1. 119. DOI:
  10. Ma F., Cahn-Hidalgo D. (2021) Clinical Validation of Cognivue® – A Computerized Alternative to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test. Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:2. 116. DOI:
  11. Ma F., Hashmi A., Liu C.Y. (2020) COVID-19-Related Stressors and the Role of Cognitive Assessment, Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:1. 115. DOI:
  12. Bomprezzi R., Ararat K., Eleftheriou E. (2020) Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis as Assessed by Objective Computerized Testing, Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:1. 113. DOI:
  13. Livingston, G., Sommerlad, A., Orgeta, V., Costafreda, S. G., Huntley, J., Ames, D., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Burns, A., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Cooper, C., Fox, N., Gitlin, L. N., Howard, R., Kales, H. C., Larson, E. B., Ritchie, K., Rockwood, K., Sampson, E. L., Samus, Q., … Mukadam, N. (2017). Dementia prevention, intervention, and care. Lancet (London, England), 390(10113), 2673–2734.
  14. Risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia: WHO guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  15. Lin, F. R., Yaffe, K., Xia, J., Xue, Q. L., Harris, T. B., Purchase-Helzner, E., Satterfield, S., Ayonayon, H. N., Ferrucci, L., Simonsick, E. M., & Health ABC Study Group (2013). Hearing loss and cognitive decline in older adults. JAMA internal medicine, 173(4), 293–299.
  16. Fortunato, S., Forli, F., Guglielmi, V., De Corso, E., Paludetti, G., Berrettini, S., & Fetoni, A. R. (2016). A review of new insights on the association between hearing loss and cognitive decline in ageing. Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica 36(3), 155–166.
  17. Beck D.L., Grisel J.J. (2022) Cognitive screenings in otolaryngology? The time has come. J Otolaryngol ENT Res.14(2):56‒60. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2022.14.00507
  18. Beck D.L. (2022) The emerging relationship between cognition and audition: why cognitive screenings are beneficial for audiology patients and why comprehensive audiometric evaluations are recommended for people with mild cognitive impairment, cognitive decline and dementia. J Otolaryngol ENT Res. 14(1):1‒6. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2022.14.00496
  19. Beck D.L., Bant S., Clarke N.A. (2020) Hearing loss and cognition: a discussion for audiologists and hearing healthcare professionals. J Otolaryngol ENT Res. 12(3):72‒78. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2020.12.00459
  20. Rawle, M. J., Cooper, R., Kuh, D., & Richards, M. (2018). Associations Between Polypharmacy and Cognitive and Physical Capability: A British Birth Cohort Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 66(5), 916–923.
  21. Loggia, G., Attoh-Mensah, E., Pothier, K., Morello, R., Lescure, P., Bocca, M. L., Marcelli, C., & Chavoix, C. (2020). Psychotropic Polypharmacy in Adults 55 Years or Older: A Risk for Impaired Global Cognition, Executive Function, and Mobility. Frontiers in pharmacology, 10, 1659.
  22. Vetrano, D. L., Villani, E. R., Grande, G., Giovannini, S., Cipriani, M. C., Manes-Gravina, E., Bernabei, R., & Onder, G. (2018). Association of Polypharmacy With 1-Year Trajectories of Cognitive and Physical Function in Nursing Home Residents: Results From a Multicenter European Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 19(8), 710–713.
  23. Langeard, A., Pothier, K., Morello, R., Lelong-Boulouard, V., Lescure, P., Bocca, M. L., Marcelli, C., Descatoire, P., & Chavoix, C. (2016). Polypharmacy Cut-Off for Gait and Cognitive Impairments. Frontiers in pharmacology, 7, 296.
  24. American Psychological Association.2019 Phsychological and Neuropsychological Testing CPT® Codes, Descriptions & Total RVUs. Available: Accessed May 16, 2019.
  25. Magellan Health, Inc. 2019 CPT® Coding Changes for Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Background and Frequently Asked Questions. Available: Accessed December 21, 2018
  26. MediCal Psychological Services. Allied Health – Psychological Services 519. December 2018. Available: Accessed June 27, 2019.
  27. Tufts Health Plan. Medical Necessity Guidelines: Neuropsychological Testing and Assessment. January 2019. Available: Accessed June 27, 2019
  28. Lin FR, Pike JR, Albert MS, et al. Hearing intervention versus health education control to reduce cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss in the USA (ACHIEVE): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 2023; published online July 18. Available:
  29. Galvin JE, Velocity Clinical Research, et al. Cognitive Testing in Diverse Populations to Further the Objective and Clinical Understanding Study (FOCUS). Poster presented at: the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC); July 16-20, 2023; Amsterdam.
  30. Abubaka A, Kabisatpathy S, Lutz S, Sinclair J. Community Pharmacists Expand Access to Cognitive Function Assessments with the Cognivue Clarity® Device. Poster presented at: the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC); July 16-20, 2023; Amsterdam.
  31. Galvin JE, Raskin J, et al. Advancing Computerized Cognitive Assessment with Cognivue: Enhanced Normative Range Data Sets from a Diverse Population Improve Sensitivity and Patient Profiling. Poster presented at: the Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD) Annual Conference; October 24-27, 2023; Boston, MA.
  32. Montgomery B, et al. Comparing a Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery Diagnosis to a Diagnosis Given by a Brief Computerized Assessment Tool. Poster presented at: the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting (INS); February 14-17, 2024; New York.
  33. Nicolas DM, et al. Correlation Between Learning and Memory Performance on a Computerized Cognitive Assessment and a Pencil-and-Paper Traditional Neuropsychological Measure. Poster presented at: the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting (INS); February 14-17, 2024; New York. 
  34. Galvin JE, et al. Cognivue Clarity® in the Detection of Biomarker-Confirmed Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease. Poster presented at: the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting; April 13-18, 2024; Denver. 
  35. Galvin JE, Chang LC, Estes PW, et al. Cognitive Assessment with Cognivue Clarity®: Psychometric Properties and Normative Ranges in a Diverse Population. J Alzheimers Dis. 2024;100(2):509-523. doi: 10.3233/JAD-240331. PMID: 38875043.
  36. Galvin JE, et al. Detection of Amyloid Status and Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Using Cognivue Clarity®, An Adaptive Psychophysics Computerized Cognitive Battery in The Bio-Hermes Study. Poster presented at: the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC); July 28-August 1, 2024; Philadelphia.
  37. Livingston G, Huntley J, Liu K, et al. (2024). Dementia Prevention, intervention, and care: 2024 report of the Lancet standing Commission. Lancet. 404(10452), 572-628. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01296-0.
  38. O’Shea DM, Zhang AS, Rader K, Shakour RL, Besser L, Galvin JE. APOE ε4 carrier status moderates the effect of lifestyle factors on cognitive reserve. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2024; 1-12.
  39. Galvin, J.E., Kleiman, M.J., Estes, P.W. et al. Cognivue Clarity characterizes mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease in biomarker confirmed cohorts in the Bio-Hermes Study. Sci Rep 14, 24519 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-75304-5.
  40. Galvin JE, et al. The Cognivue Amyloid Risk Measure (CARM): A Novel Method to Detect the Presence of Amyloid in Clinical Samples with Cognivue Clarity. Poster presented at: the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease Conference (CTAD); October 29-November 1, 2024; Madrid, Spain. 
  41. Galvin JE, Kleiman MJ, Estes PW, Harris HM, Fung E. Cognivue Clarity® characterizes amyloid status and preclinical Alzheimer’s disease in biomarker confirmed cohorts in the Bio-Hermes Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2025 Jan 26:13872877251314117. doi: 10.1177/13872877251314117. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39865688.
  42. Tolea MI, Rosenfeld A, Roy SV, Besser LM, O’Shea DM, Galvin JE. Gait, balance, and physical performance as markers of early Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia risk. J Alzheimers Dis. 2025 Jan 26:13872877241313144. doi: 10.1177/13872877241313144. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39865686.
  43. Carpenter-Thompson JR, et al. Revolutionizing Concussion Research: Combining Strict Clinical Diagnoses with Neurophysiological and Biomarker Data – Preliminary Analysis. Poster presented at: the Big Sky Sports Medicine Conference; January 26-30, 2025; Big Sky, MT. 
  44. Montgomery, B., Maguire, M., Reeves, C., Romano, J., Larratt, J., & Bennett, L. Use of a Computerized Assessment Tool in Individuals with a History of Seizures. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society; December 6-10 2024; Los Angeles, CA.

  45. Larratt, J., Montgomery, B., & Bennett, L. An Analysis of Individuals With Seizures on Anti-Seizure Medication Performance on a Brief Computerized Assessment. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society; February 12-15, 2025; New Orleans, LA.

  46. Galvin JE, Germain DM, Moore CP, Jeanty JA, Tofaeono V, Wiese LK. The Dementia Literacy Assessment (DeLA): A novel measure of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders health literacy in diverse populations. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2025;11:e70054. DOI: 10.1002/trc2.70054

  1. Livingston, G., Huntley, J., Sommerlad, A., Ames, D., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Brayne, C., Burns, A., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Cooper, C., Costafreda, S. G., Dias, A., Fox, N., Gitlin, L. N., Howard, R., Kales, H. C., Kivimäki, M., Larson, E. B., Ogunniyi, A., Orgeta, V., … Mukadam, N. (2020). Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. Lancet (London, England), 396(10248), 413–446.
  2. Galvin JE, et al. Bridging the Assessment Gap: Newly Developed Neuropsychiatric Cognitive Assessments on the Cognivue Platform Show Strong Correlation with Traditional Gold Standard Tests. Poster presented at: the Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD) Annual Conference; October 24-27, 2023; Boston, MA.
  3. Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimer’s Association. Accessed 5/30/2023
  4. Hearing Loss Facts and Statistics. Hearing Loss Association of America. Accessed 5/30/2023
  5. Bai, W., Chen, P., Cai, H., Zhang, Q., Su, Z., Cheung, T., Jackson, T., Sha, S., & Xiang, Y. T. (2022). Worldwide prevalence of mild cognitive impairment among community dwellers aged 50 years and older: a meta-analysis and systematic review of epidemiology studies. Age and ageing, 51(8), afac173.
  6. ADI – Dementia statistics. (n.d.). ADI – Dementia Statistics.
  7. Cahn-Hidalgo, D., Estes, P. W., & Benabou, R. (2020). Validity, reliability, and psychometric properties of a computerized, cognitive assessment test (Cognivue®). World journal of psychiatry, 10(1), 1–11. DOI:
  8. Andrefsky J., Cahn-Hidalgo D., Benabou R, et al. (2020) Superior Test-Retest Reliability of Cognitive Assessment with Cognivue® vs Slums During an 18-Month Longitudinal Study, Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:1. 114. DOI:
  9. Ma F., Hashmi A., Liu C.Y., et al. (2022) Cognitive Stressors and COVID-19 Infection: A Longitudinal Survey. Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 3:1. 119. DOI:
  10. Ma F., Cahn-Hidalgo D. (2021) Clinical Validation of Cognivue® – A Computerized Alternative to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test. Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:2. 116. DOI:
  11. Ma F., Hashmi A., Liu C.Y. (2020) COVID-19-Related Stressors and the Role of Cognitive Assessment, Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:1. 115. DOI:
  12. Bomprezzi R., Ararat K., Eleftheriou E. (2020) Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis as Assessed by Objective Computerized Testing, Neurol Sci Neurosurg, Volume 2:1. 113. DOI:
  13. Livingston, G., Sommerlad, A., Orgeta, V., Costafreda, S. G., Huntley, J., Ames, D., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Burns, A., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Cooper, C., Fox, N., Gitlin, L. N., Howard, R., Kales, H. C., Larson, E. B., Ritchie, K., Rockwood, K., Sampson, E. L., Samus, Q., … Mukadam, N. (2017). Dementia prevention, intervention, and care. Lancet (London, England), 390(10113), 2673–2734.
  14. Risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia: WHO guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  15. Lin, F. R., Yaffe, K., Xia, J., Xue, Q. L., Harris, T. B., Purchase-Helzner, E., Satterfield, S., Ayonayon, H. N., Ferrucci, L., Simonsick, E. M., & Health ABC Study Group (2013). Hearing loss and cognitive decline in older adults. JAMA internal medicine, 173(4), 293–299.
  16. Fortunato, S., Forli, F., Guglielmi, V., De Corso, E., Paludetti, G., Berrettini, S., & Fetoni, A. R. (2016). A review of new insights on the association between hearing loss and cognitive decline in ageing. Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica 36(3), 155–166.
  17. Beck D.L., Grisel J.J. (2022) Cognitive screenings in otolaryngology? The time has come. J Otolaryngol ENT Res.14(2):56‒60. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2022.14.00507
  18. Beck D.L. (2022) The emerging relationship between cognition and audition: why cognitive screenings are beneficial for audiology patients and why comprehensive audiometric evaluations are recommended for people with mild cognitive impairment, cognitive decline and dementia. J Otolaryngol ENT Res. 14(1):1‒6. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2022.14.00496
  19. Beck D.L., Bant S., Clarke N.A. (2020) Hearing loss and cognition: a discussion for audiologists and hearing healthcare professionals. J Otolaryngol ENT Res. 12(3):72‒78. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2020.12.00459
  20. Rawle, M. J., Cooper, R., Kuh, D., & Richards, M. (2018). Associations Between Polypharmacy and Cognitive and Physical Capability: A British Birth Cohort Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 66(5), 916–923.
  21. Loggia, G., Attoh-Mensah, E., Pothier, K., Morello, R., Lescure, P., Bocca, M. L., Marcelli, C., & Chavoix, C. (2020). Psychotropic Polypharmacy in Adults 55 Years or Older: A Risk for Impaired Global Cognition, Executive Function, and Mobility. Frontiers in pharmacology, 10, 1659.
  22. Vetrano, D. L., Villani, E. R., Grande, G., Giovannini, S., Cipriani, M. C., Manes-Gravina, E., Bernabei, R., & Onder, G. (2018). Association of Polypharmacy With 1-Year Trajectories of Cognitive and Physical Function in Nursing Home Residents: Results From a Multicenter European Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 19(8), 710–713.
  23. Langeard, A., Pothier, K., Morello, R., Lelong-Boulouard, V., Lescure, P., Bocca, M. L., Marcelli, C., Descatoire, P., & Chavoix, C. (2016). Polypharmacy Cut-Off for Gait and Cognitive Impairments. Frontiers in pharmacology, 7, 296.
  24. American Psychological Association.2019 Phsychological and Neuropsychological Testing CPT® Codes, Descriptions & Total RVUs. Available: Accessed May 16, 2019.
  25. Magellan Health, Inc. 2019 CPT® Coding Changes for Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Background and Frequently Asked Questions. Available: Accessed December 21, 2018
  26. MediCal Psychological Services. Allied Health – Psychological Services 519. December 2018. Available: Accessed June 27, 2019.
  27. Tufts Health Plan. Medical Necessity Guidelines: Neuropsychological Testing and Assessment. January 2019. Available: Accessed June 27, 2019
  28. Lin FR, Pike JR, Albert MS, et al. Hearing intervention versus health education control to reduce cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss in the USA (ACHIEVE): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 2023; published online July 18. Available:
  29. Galvin JE, Velocity Clinical Research, et al. Cognitive Testing in Diverse Populations to Further the Objective and Clinical Understanding Study (FOCUS). Poster presented at: the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC); July 16-20, 2023; Amsterdam.
  30. Abubaka A, Kabisatpathy S, Lutz S, Sinclair J. Community Pharmacists Expand Access to Cognitive Function Assessments with the Cognivue Clarity® Device. Poster presented at: the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC); July 16-20, 2023; Amsterdam.
  31. Galvin JE, Raskin J, et al. Advancing Computerized Cognitive Assessment with Cognivue: Enhanced Normative Range Data Sets from a Diverse Population Improve Sensitivity and Patient Profiling. Poster presented at: the Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD) Annual Conference; October 24-27, 2023; Boston, MA.
  32. Montgomery B, et al. Comparing a Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery Diagnosis to a Diagnosis Given by a Brief Computerized Assessment Tool. Poster presented at: the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting (INS); February 14-17, 2024; New York.
  33. Nicolas DM, et al. Correlation Between Learning and Memory Performance on a Computerized Cognitive Assessment and a Pencil-and-Paper Traditional Neuropsychological Measure. Poster presented at: the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting (INS); February 14-17, 2024; New York. 
  34. Galvin JE, et al. Cognivue Clarity® in the Detection of Biomarker-Confirmed Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease. Poster presented at: the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting; April 13-18, 2024; Denver. 
  35. Galvin JE, Chang LC, Estes PW, et al. Cognitive Assessment with Cognivue Clarity®: Psychometric Properties and Normative Ranges in a Diverse Population. J Alzheimers Dis. 2024;100(2):509-523. doi: 10.3233/JAD-240331. PMID: 38875043.
  36. Galvin JE, et al. Detection of Amyloid Status and Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Using Cognivue Clarity®, An Adaptive Psychophysics Computerized Cognitive Battery in The Bio-Hermes Study. Poster presented at: the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC); July 28-August 1, 2024; Philadelphia.
  37. Livingston G, Huntley J, Liu K, et al. (2024). Dementia Prevention, intervention, and care: 2024 report of the Lancet standing Commission. Lancet. 404(10452), 572-628. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01296-0.
  38. O’Shea DM, Zhang AS, Rader K, Shakour RL, Besser L, Galvin JE. APOE ε4 carrier status moderates the effect of lifestyle factors on cognitive reserve. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2024; 1-12.
  39. Galvin, J.E., Kleiman, M.J., Estes, P.W. et al. Cognivue Clarity characterizes mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease in biomarker confirmed cohorts in the Bio-Hermes Study. Sci Rep 14, 24519 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-75304-5.
  40. Galvin JE, et al. The Cognivue Amyloid Risk Measure (CARM): A Novel Method to Detect the Presence of Amyloid in Clinical Samples with Cognivue Clarity. Poster presented at: the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease Conference (CTAD); October 29-November 1, 2024; Madrid, Spain.
  41. Galvin JE, Kleiman MJ, Estes PW, Harris HM, Fung E. Cognivue Clarity® characterizes amyloid status and preclinical Alzheimer’s disease in biomarker confirmed cohorts in the Bio-Hermes Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2025 Jan 26:13872877251314117. doi: 10.1177/13872877251314117. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39865688.
  42. Tolea MI, Rosenfeld A, Roy SV, Besser LM, O’Shea DM, Galvin JE. Gait, balance, and physical performance as markers of early Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia risk. J Alzheimers Dis. 2025 Jan 26:13872877241313144. doi: 10.1177/13872877241313144. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39865686.
  43. Carpenter-Thompson JR, et al. Revolutionizing Concussion Research: Combining Strict Clinical Diagnoses with Neurophysiological and Biomarker Data – Preliminary Analysis. Poster presented at: the Big Sky Sports Medicine Conference; January 26-30, 2025; Big Sky, MT.
  44. Montgomery, B., Maguire, M., Reeves, C., Romano, J., Larratt, J., & Bennett, L. Use of a Computerized Assessment Tool in Individuals with a History of Seizures. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society; December 6-10 2024; Los Angeles, CA.

  45. Larratt, J., Montgomery, B., & Bennett, L. An Analysis of Individuals With Seizures on Anti-Seizure Medication Performance on a Brief Computerized Assessment. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society; February 12-15, 2025; New Orleans, LA.

  46. Galvin JE, Germain DM, Moore CP, Jeanty JA, Tofaeono V, Wiese LK. The Dementia Literacy Assessment (DeLA): A novel measure of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders health literacy in diverse populations. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2025;11:e70054. DOI: 10.1002/trc2.70054